Bowman Development purchased the land at the Corner of Spielman and Lappans Road with the intention of one day of improving and developing it. The site has always been zoned Highway Interchange for the obvious reasons. Over the years we have had truck terminal, truck stop and convenience store users interested in the site. A convenience store at this location will serve the residents of Williamsport and Downsville, as well as the business and employees in the area. Because of its location it is only natural that it would also serve the truck fueling needs of the area and interstate. We are excited that we found a high-quality partner in Sheetz. It is only the County’s zoning definition that defines this proposed development as a truck stop. Sheetz would describe it as a convenience store with truck fueling and no more than 30 truck parking spots – not a truck stop. In addition, if this project is approved, it will result in highway improvements to Spielman Rd and the intersection, making this portion of the road safer for all.
We would ask the community to show support for this development project by e-mailing or writing to the BZA and or the County Commissioners; as well has attending the hearing that has now been rescheduled to June 8th at 6:00PM at the County Courthouse, Court Room 1 at 24 Summit Ave.
BZA Contact:
Washington County Board of Appeals
747 Northern Ave Hagerstown, MD 21742
E-Mail: BZA in care of Katie Rathvon: krathvon@wash-co.net